Saturday 30 March 2013

Final Edit

Here is my final edit of my music video. I have finally finished editing and adjusting the piece together. The new scenes including Charlie have now been added and I think this finalizes the music video, as too much footage was featuring Paris. 

Thursday 28 March 2013

Album Advertisement

My album advertisements would feature at bus stops, in tube stations, in nationwide magazines such as glamour and. I have created images in Photoshop to see what it would look like and to see how it would be purchased on the most popular downloading site Itunes. I have chosen itunes because it is easily accessible to my target audience (teens and young adults) through their mobile phones, laptops, ipads, kindles, ipods ect. As my target audience are in a fast paced moving world they will also have fast paced moving life and choosing to advertise my album through bus stop and tube station advertisement stands is because they will be using public transport on their way out to college, university, part time jobs and would see these whilst travelling and most likely listening to their ipod. 

Bus Stop:




Wednesday 27 March 2013

Monday 25 March 2013

Charlie Filming

I've finally been able to film Charlie's outdoor scenes due to the weather picking up and been much brighter! I was able to film all the shots I needed as Charlie was really easy to work with and this made the whole filming less stressful and be able to get the ideal shot within the first few tries. I'm uploading the footage onto my editing suite to fill into the empty slots that I have left and it should not take me long to do so.
I'm going to amend adjustments to some of Paris's footage due to the audience feedback and their opinions and suggestions, which will overall improve my video!

Charlie Film Plan

Walking feet shot – close up
Walking around in circles on the phone – long shot
Sat down at desk – medium close up
Throws sheets of desk – long shot
Head in hands – close up
Shouting on the phone outside – long shot
Shaking his head in despair – close up 

The only difficulty we came across when filming was the throwing of the paper the ensure Charlie's head did not cut out of the camera's view when he stood up in frustration and that the paper was fully caught when it flew off the table because I want to edit that shot in the editing suite and reverse it so the paper flies back onto the table. Therefore I needed to gain a good shot in which you can see the paper movement, we filmed this shot several times.

Final Magazine Poster

This is my final magazine poster, using most inspiration from an existing auxiliary text from Rihanna.

Monday 18 March 2013

Digi Pak and Poster photos

These images are of my artist and will be used to promote my music video through the digipak and magazine poster advert.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Audience Feedback

I sent out my YouTube link in emails to some target audience members to get feedback during the production of my editing stage. I sent the second draft because that was unfinished with gaps in because if any massive changes needed making I still could be able too.
Email that I sent out to target audience.

1st Written Feedback through email Gemma:
I didn't know if there was supposed to be music playing or my speakers had broken, but I watched it hehe! 

- could make the transition a bit smoother (I don't really know how to word it but hopefully you'll know what I mean) 

- maybe make the transition between the different parts of the film smoother (like I've said above)
- maybe film something outside if it's a nice sunny day? (sitting on a bench or walking in the field at the top of wold road?)

Things that work:
- I really liked the bit where Paris wrote something like 'I'm sorry' and then it like reversed, I think that's very good!

General comments:
- I like the fact it seemed natural- smiling/laughing
- I don't know if it was done on purpose but the shirt that she wears in the film I thought it was like the ex boyfriends or whoever the man is that the song is about (if it wasn't done on purpose, maybe consider using an old baggy t-shirt or something?)
- I like the bit where she stares out of the window and that at this point it speeds up to make the viewer think that time is passing by but things are still the same

2nd Written Feedback through email Paris: 
There are several scenes in the video that I thought were really good, I liked the effect of the lighting on the first shot, as well as the camera angle. This also goes for the window scene further on in the video and the fact that the timing of the scene has been altered slightly. The colouring on the first bath scene is very good, showing the models makeup and clothes very well. The bedroom scenes that are in colour work really well but the lighting needs to be improved but I really like the parts that are in black and white, especially the scene that has been used twice with the model playing with her hair. I would rework the close up shots as I don't think the lighting is very good on any of them. The location of the video could be better but I think it will work well with the song when completely finished.
The whole lay out of the video needs working on, as well as the way the different scenes fit together. I enjoyed the last few seconds with the writing of the letter and then the final zoom in on the note. I'm interested to find out what the end result will be as i think you have some very good shots already the arrangement of them just needs to be worked on. When the song is added and the other scenes are in place I think it will work really well. 

3rd Written Feedback through email Tom: 

Constructive criticism from my target audience is very helpful and effective when it comes to me making amendments to my editing stage. Its good to know what people think are successful parts in the music video because then I know not to edit or mess around with those because they do not need changing such as the parts at the window as more than one person commented on how they liked that part and how I had sped up the shot to make it look as if  time is passing by and she is still stuck in the same place.
I need  to now adjust the contrast and brightness on some close up shots of Paris as it has been commented that her skin isn't shown in a good light. I'm filming Charlie outside which will be a different location shot as they was also commented on for not been very varied  although my reasoning for not have varied locations is because the problems within the narrative are domestic problems with her boyfriend therefore I used house locations such as the bedroom and living room, but this has notified me that maybe this hasn't been portrayed enough clearly throughout the video.
I'm going to add more transition effects onto the shots when they are changing because Gemma had commented twice on them and I think this is a good thing to improve the way the video plays and would fix the issue of it looking rough.
I have taken some of Paris's comments into consideration but I have also taken them with a slight pinch because she is likely to be more critical on the video as she is watching herself and commented herself saying it was really awkward to watch herself online, which I have understood but will try to improve the lightening as she doesn't like the way she looks.

Friday 15 March 2013

Addition to my editing stage

I have contined to edit after filming more footage of Paris for her indoor living room scenes and better contructed bedroom scenes. For the bedroom scenes I filmed in the day time, to have access to pure daylight and improve the quality of the film. I have been editing this footage for a while in the editing suite and here is what I have so far : 

I am hoping to add the footage of Charlie to the editing suite and I will only have one or two more scenes of Paris outside left to film. Due to complications with people been busy and having other priorities I have fallen behind with my filming schedule but I hope to be back on top of it with putting in extra hours outside of college to complete.

Thursday 14 March 2013

drafting magazine poster

Through looking at Florence and The Machines magazine advert and The Vaccines, I want to incorperate the simple yet effective conventions of reviews from music magazines and the release date. I'm also going to feature a picture of the existing magazine in the left hand corner as can be seen represented in the draft by the white box. 
This is a draft to create a record label icon as most adverts all display the record company in the bottom hand corners I have noticed through my research